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How to Download Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld

If you are a fan of electronic music, you might have heard of Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld, a catchy and energetic song that has been making waves on the internet. But how can you download this song and enjoy it offline? In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about this song, why you should download it, and how to do it easily and safely.

What is Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld?

Before we get into the details of how to download this song, let’s first introduce you to the song and the artist behind it.

A brief introduction to the song and the artist

Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld is a single released on November 11, 2022, by Interworld, an electronic music producer from Russia. Interworld is known for his unique and experimental style of music, blending elements of phonk, trap, lo-fi, vaporwave, and glitch. He has been making music since 2021, and has released several albums and singles, such as 6World, Rapture, Memory, and Manuscript.

Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld is a sequel to his previous hit single Metamorphosis, which was released in March 2022. The song features a sample of a female voice saying “I’m a pimp” over a fast-paced and distorted beat. The song has a dark and futuristic vibe, with influences from cyberpunk and anime culture. The song has been praised for its originality and creativity, as well as its catchy and addictive hook.

The genre and style of the song

Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld belongs to the genre of electronic music, specifically phonk. Phonk is a subgenre of hip hop that originated in Memphis, Tennessee, in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Phonk is characterized by its use of chopped and screwed vocals, heavy bass, eerie melodies, and lo-fi production. Phonk is often associated with themes of crime, violence, drugs, sex, and horror.

Interworld adds his own twist to phonk, by incorporating elements of other genres such as trap, lo-fi, vaporwave, and glitch. He also uses various effects such as speeding up, slowing down, reverb, echo, distortion, and pitch-shifting. He creates a unique sound that is both nostalgic and futuristic, blending old-school samples with modern beats.

The popularity and reception of the song

Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld has been gaining popularity

Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld has been gaining popularity since its release, especially among the fans of electronic music and phonk. The song has been streamed over 10 million times on Spotify, and has been featured on various playlists and charts. The song has also received positive reviews from critics and listeners, who have praised its originality, creativity, energy, and catchiness. The song has been described as a “masterpiece of phonk”, a “banger of the year”, and a “must-listen for any electronic music lover”.

Why Download Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld?

Now that you know what Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld is, you might be wondering why you should download it. Here are some of the reasons why downloading this song is a good idea.

The benefits of downloading the song

One of the main benefits of downloading Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld is that you can enjoy it offline, without relying on an internet connection. This means that you can listen to the song anytime and anywhere, without worrying about buffering, lagging, or interruptions. You can also save your data and battery life, as streaming music can consume a lot of resources.

Another benefit of downloading Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld is that you can have more control over your music library. You can organize, edit, and customize your songs according to your preferences. You can also create your own playlists, mixtapes, and compilations. You can also share your songs with your friends and family, or transfer them to other devices.

The drawbacks of streaming the song

On the other hand, streaming Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld has some drawbacks that you should be aware of. One of the drawbacks is that you need a stable and fast internet connection to stream the song smoothly. If your connection is slow or unstable, you might experience buffering, lagging, or interruptions. This can ruin your listening experience and mood.

Another drawback of streaming Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld is that you have less control over your music library. You have to rely on the platforms and services that offer the song, which might have limitations or restrictions. For example, some platforms might not have the song available in your region, or might require a subscription or payment to access it. Some platforms might also have ads or pop-ups that can be annoying or distracting.

The legal and ethical issues of downloading the song

Before you download Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld, you should also consider the legal and ethical issues involved. Downloading music from unauthorized sources can be considered as piracy, which is illegal in most countries. Piracy can have negative consequences for both the artists and the consumers. For the artists, piracy can reduce their income and recognition, as well as their motivation and creativity. For the consumers, piracy can expose them to malware, viruses, scams, or legal actions.

Therefore, you should always download music from authorized sources that respect the rights and interests of the artists and the consumers. You should also support the artists by buying their music or merchandise, attending their concerts or events, or following them on social media.

How to Download Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld?

Now that you know why you should download Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld, let’s get into the details of how to do it. Here are some of the best sources and platforms to download the song, as well as the steps and tips to follow.

The best sources and platforms to download the song

There are many sources and platforms that offer Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld for download, but not all of them are reliable or safe. Some of them might have low-quality or corrupted files, or might contain malware, viruses, scams, or ads. Some of them might also violate the rights and interests of the artists and the consumers.

To avoid these risks and problems, you should always download Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld from authorized sources and platforms that have high-quality and secure files, as well as respect the rights and interests of the artists and the consumers. Some of these sources and platforms are:

Source/Platform Description Price
Interworld’s official website This is the best source to download Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld, as it is directly from the artist himself. You can download the song in MP3 format, as well as other formats such as WAV, FLAC, or OGG. You can also find other songs and albums by Interworld, as well as his biography, discography, and contact information. Free or donation-based
Bandcamp This is another great source to download Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld, as it is a platform that supports independent artists and labels. You can download the song in MP3 format, as well as other formats such as WAV, FLAC, or OGG. You can also stream the song online, or buy it as a digital or physical album. You can also find other songs and albums by Interworld, as well as his fan community and merchandise. $1 or more
iTunes This is a popular source to download Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld, as it is a platform that offers a wide range of music and media. You can download the song in MP3 format, or buy it as part of the Metamorphosis 2 – Single or the 6World – Album. You can also stream the song online, or sync it with your Apple devices. You can also find other songs and albums by Interworld, as well as his ratings and reviews. $0.99
Amazon Music This is another popular source to download Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld, as it is a platform that offers a variety of music and media. You can download the song in MP3 format, or buy it as part of the Metamorphosis 2 – Single or the 6World – Album. You can also stream the song online, or download it to your Amazon devices. You can also find other songs and albums by Interworld, as well as his ratings and reviews. $0.99
YouTube Music This is a newer source to download Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld, as it is a platform that offers music and videos. You can download the song in MP3 format, or stream it online. You can also watch the official video of the song, or other videos related to the song or the artist. You can also find other songs and albums by Interworld, as well as his subscribers and comments. Free with ads or $9.99/month for premium

The steps and tips to download the song

The steps and tips to download Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld vary depending on the source and platform you choose. However, here are some general steps and tips that apply to most sources and platforms:

  1. Choose a source and platform that suits your needs and preferences. Consider factors such as quality, price, security, convenience, and legality.
  2. Visit the website or app of the source and platform you chose. Search for Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld using the search bar or the browse function.
  3. Select the song from the results page. Check the details and information of the song, such as duration, size, format, quality, price, and availability.
  4. Click on the download button or link. Follow the instructions and prompts to complete the download process. You might need to create an account, sign in, verify your identity, agree to terms and conditions, or make a payment.
  5. Wait for the download to finish. Check your downloads folder or location to find the file. Open the file with your preferred media player or device.
  6. Enjoy listening to Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld offline!

Some tips to make your downloading experience better are:

  • Use a reliable and fast internet connection to avoid delays or errors.
  • Use a trusted and updated antivirus software to protect your device from malware, viruses, scams, or ads.
  • Use a compatible and updated media player or device to play the file smoothly and clearly.
  • Delete any unwanted or duplicate files to save space and avoid confusion.
  • Backup your files to an external drive or cloud service to prevent loss or damage.

The alternatives and options to download the song

If you are not satisfied with the sources and platforms we mentioned above, you might want to look for some alternatives and options to download the song. Here are some of them: – You can use a third-party downloader or converter tool that can download or convert the song from other sources or platforms, such as YouTube, SoundCloud, or Vimeo. However, you should be careful when using these tools, as they might not be authorized, safe, or legal. You should also check the quality and format of the file before downloading or converting it. – You can use a peer-to-peer (P2P) network or torrent site that can share or download the song from other users or devices, such as BitTorrent, uTorrent, or LimeWire. However, you should also be cautious when using these networks or sites, as they might not be authorized, safe, or legal. You should also check the authenticity and integrity of the file before sharing or downloading it. – You can use a music streaming service that can download the song for offline listening, such as Spotify, Apple Music, or Deezer. However, you should also be aware of the limitations and conditions of these services, such as subscription fees, device compatibility, or offline availability. You should also check the quality and format of the file before downloading it.


In conclusion, Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld is a fantastic song that you should definitely download and listen to offline. The song is original, creative, energetic, and catchy, and belongs to the genre of electronic music, specifically phonk. The song has been popular and well-received since its release in November 2022.

Downloading Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld has many benefits, such as enjoying it offline, having more control over your music library, and saving your data and battery life. However, downloading the song also has some drawbacks and issues, such as needing a stable and fast internet connection, having less control over your music library, and violating the rights and interests of the artists and the consumers.

Therefore, you should always download Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld from authorized sources and platforms that have high-quality and secure files, as well as respect the rights and interests of the artists and the consumers. Some of these sources and platforms are Interworld’s official website, Bandcamp, iTunes, Amazon Music, and YouTube Music. You should also follow the steps and tips we provided to download the song easily and safely.

We hope this article has helped you learn how to download Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for reading and happy listening!


What is the duration and size of Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld?

The duration of Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld is 3 minutes and 12 seconds. The size of the file depends on the quality and format you choose to download it in. For example, a 320 kbps MP3 file would be around 7.5 MB.

What is the quality and format of Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld?

The quality and format of Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld vary depending on the source and platform you download it from. Generally speaking, the higher the quality and format the higher the quality and format of Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld vary depending on the source and platform you download it from. Generally speaking, the higher the quality and format, the better the sound and the larger the file. For example, a 320 kbps MP3 file would have better sound than a 128 kbps MP3 file, but it would also be larger in size. Some of the common quality and format options are:

What are some similar songs to Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld?

If you like Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld, you might also like some of these similar songs:

  • Phonk D – Outta Control MP3 by Phonk D: This is another phonk song that features a catchy and distorted sample of a female voice over a heavy bass and a funky beat.
  • Glitch – Cyberpunk MP3 by Glitch: This is a glitch song that creates a dark and futuristic atmosphere with its use of electronic sounds, effects, and vocals.
  • Vaporwave – Aesthetic MP3 by Vaporwave: This is a vaporwave song that evokes nostalgia and melancholy with its use of slowed down and chopped up samples from the 80s and 90s.
  • How can I support Interworld as an artist?

    If you enjoy Metamorphosis 2 MP3 by Interworld and want to support him as an artist, you can do some of these things:

    • Buy his music or merchandise from his official website or Bandcamp.
    • Stream his music on Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube Music.
    • Watch his videos on YouTube or Vimeo.
    • Follow him on social media such as Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.
    • Leave him positive ratings, reviews, comments, or feedback.
    • How can I contact Interworld for feedback or inquiries?

      If you have any questions or feedback for Interworld, you can contact him through his official website or email. You can also send him a message on his social media accounts. He is usually friendly and responsive to his fans and listeners.


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Quality Format Size (approx.)
320 kbps MP3 7.5 MB
256 kbps MP3 6 MB
192 kbps MP3 4.5 MB
128 kbps MP3 3 MB
1411 kbps WAV 42 MB
1000 kbps FLAC 30 MB
500 kbps OGG 15 MB