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Dirt Crack [2022]

Dirt is a lightweight and easy to use application designed to provide you with a simple IRC proxy that you can use to add FiSH-compatible chat encryption to IRC clients.
Dirt runs in your system tray and listen on the localhost for for Socks4 (port 1088) or bouncer (port 6666) connections. To change the port numbers, you need to modify the generated Dirt.ini file.







Dirt Crack Activation Code [Mac/Win] (Final 2022)

Dirt Crack Keygen is a lightweight and easy to use application designed to provide you with a simple IRC proxy that you can use to add FiSH-compatible chat encryption to IRC clients.

Dirt Crack For Windows runs in your system tray and listen on the localhost for for Socks4 (port 1088) or bouncer (port 6666) connections. To change the port numbers, you need to modify the generated Dirt Cracked 2022 Latest Version.ini file.


You can install Dirt either from the current SRPM, or by creating your own RPMs based on the latest version.

To install from the current SRPM, you’ll need to do the following:

# cd to the directory where you want to install Dirt
# make
# make install

To install a deb-based RPM, you can use alien:

# cd to the directory where you want to install Dirt
# alien Dirt-

To install from source, you’ll need to do the following:

# cd to the directory where you want to install Dirt
# make
# make install

To change the port to use for a specific user, you need to modify the Dirt.ini file.
Open up Dirt.ini in a text editor of your choice, and change the address property to the new desired address.
If you have multiple network cards, and you want to change the port Dirt listens on, you’ll need to make sure Dirt.ini is properly configured for the network card you want to use.
In the example below, the user is chatting over the network card with the IP address
Make sure Dirt.ini has a line like the following:


Save the Dirt.ini file.

If you want to change the port Dirt listens on for multiple users, you can make a new directory for each user, and copy Dirt.ini into each directory.

$ cp Dirt.ini ~/src/dirt/user1
$ cp Dirt.ini ~/src/dirt/user2

Add the desired port number to the [hosts] section.
For example, if you want Dirt to listen on port 9999 for user2, you’d do something like this:


Dirt Crack + Patch With Serial Key

– Since this is a server application, it is possible to generate random KeyMACs. If you want your key to be always the same, you can try the option “Never change KeyMAC” in the general tab. This will ensure that you always receive the same messages. To change the generated key, you can use the “Key MAC” option in the general tab.
– The output of the Key MAC can be copied to the clipboard. Please copy the key back to the window that you used for IRC encryption.
NOTE: the key can not be changed using the website, nor can you submit a suggestion for a new key. If you know the KEYMAC of a certain user on FiSH, you can use that. To find out, try connecting to the server and typing “help /k”. You will see the MAC, but for security reasons it is not shown in the website.
– dirt /set server
– dirt /set server :
– dirt /set server : keymac
– dirt /show
– dirt /listen
– Dirt is compatible with the following client libraries:
* SecureTcl/TclX
* (T)NetHack
* Mutt
* (3)ChatZilla
* (3)WineIRC
Dirt should work with Mirc but it is not officially supported.
How to use:
1. Download the files from the homepage of dirt on
2. Unzip the files to a folder.
3. Make sure that the executable file “dirt.exe” is in the same folder as the dirt.ini file.
4. Start dirt.ini in your text editor by double-clicking on it.
If you don’t want to change the config file, you can always change the general settings and leave the rest of the settings as they are.
Dirt will start in the system tray and you should get a window that looks like this:
You can open an IRC connection by simply clicking on the “Connect” button. Dirt will start listening for connections on the localhost ( on the port specified in the config file. Please note that the server must be reachable on your local network. It

Dirt Crack PC/Windows [Updated]

Dirt is a lightweight and easy to use application designed to provide you with a simple IRC proxy that you can use to add FiSH-compatible chat encryption to IRC clients.
Dirt runs in your system tray and listen on the localhost for for Socks4 (port 1088) or bouncer (port 6666) connections. To change the port numbers, you need to modify the generated Dirt.ini file.
Example of usage:
# Install and enable DIRT in your system.
# Dirt will automatically save your passphrase on first connection.
# Dirt is able to run in system tray. You can change it to foreground mode or disable this behaviour by changing dirt.dirt_gui.enable_in_tray to false in Dirt.ini
# Dirt will run in the system tray in the foreground mode.
# Dirt will also accept configuration in Socks4Dirt.ini if it exists.
# Dirt will listen to for Socks4 (port 1088) or bouncer (port 6666) connections.
# Dirt will accept messages on channel #dirt.
Dirt.ini File:
dirt.config_file = DIRT_CONFIG.xml
dirt.dirt_gui.password = YourPassphrase
dirt.dirt_gui.gui = false
dirt.dirt_gui.port = 6666
dirt.dirt_gui.enable_in_tray = true
dirt.dirt_gui.proxy_port = 1088
dirt.dirt_gui.auto_download = false
dirt.dirt_gui.listen_addresses =,
dirt.dirt_gui.use_gui_for_locale = false
dirt.dirt_gui.accept_locale = en-US
dirt.dirt_gui.locale_changes_timeout = 120
dirt.dirt_gui.re_accept_all = true
dirt.dirt_gui.chats_max_number = 1
dirt.dirt_gui.in_visible = false
dirt.dirt_gui.chats_min_duration = 60
dirt.dirt_gui.username = your.nick
dirt.dirt_gui.channel_max_number = 100
dirt.dirt_gui.auto_save_passphrase = false

What’s New In?

System Requirements:

OS: Win 7, Win 8, Win 10
Display: Windows 10 displays must use a high resolution (1080p or greater) and DirectX 11.x compatible GPU with a shader model greater than 5.
CPU: Intel Core i3, i5 or i7
Memory: 4 GB RAM
DirectX: Version 11.0
Hard Drive: 2 GB available space
Additional Notes: The game will not run on systems with less than 8 GB RAM or systems that have only 256MB of

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